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Ask Felicity Anything

Ask Felicity Anything


One of the best moments of my week is sitting down to answer the hundreds of questions that came through our DMs and inboxes.

From period pain to bloating to collagen and gut health - we’re going there.

I love being in the very privileged position of actually being able to hear your wellness challenges and then take direct action to formulate products that directly address your concerns.

Right now, I’m deep in the scientific literature surrounding a specific peptide for longevity.

Formulating this product with my team of scientists is proving challenging, but I believe we are very close to bringing you the next product innovation—watch this space. I’ll share more as I get closer to the final product being ready for consumer trials.

Let’s get on with Answering Your Questions.

Until Next Time,

Be Well.



What's the difference between Collagen Jelly and Collagen Protect?

These products work in two very distinct ways. Our Collagen Jelly Peptide Serum is our wrinkle-reducing and collagen-infusing serum with clinically proven collagen peptides, working overtime to deliver deep clinical-level hydration to the skin.

Think of this as the first step to bringing skin to life with extreme bounce and lift.




Our Collagen Protection Age-Defying Oilis the step that is very necessary to lock the hydration and moisture into the skin, and protects the skin against degradation.

Both steps are super important, as together they are very powerful for skin luminosity and bounce.

Truly, these are the only two products I use and my skin, at 42 has never felt or looked better.




What actually is collagen banking?

We wrote an entire article on this here.

Essentially, collagen banking loads different types of collagen for total body collagen safeguarding.

Think about layering this collagen to preserve your collagen as well as stimulate new collagen.

We take a collagen banking approach by having our Collagen Jelly Peptide Serum to use topically and also ingesting our Clinically Proven Bioactive Peptides.

They work together inside and out for collagen - and for me have literally changed my face and hair.


Something you cooked recently?

Well, it's the school holidays here, and I have three daughters. The sun popped out and I made them delicious 3-Ingredient Nice Cream - YUM!

If you have some frozen bananas and a high-speed blender, you too can make this at home!



Add around 4 frozen bananas to a high speed blender until they become smooth and creamy and devour! I added different fruit powders to these - strawberry / blue spirulina / blackberry and matcha.

I made them collagen-infused with Miracle Collagen.



What do you think of intermittent fasting?

For me, as a busy working Mum, I find it doesn't work. I’m just so busy with life in general—and I assume you are too—that I do need something to eat in the morning. There is no way I’m lasting until 12 p.m. I don’t want to get hangry and anxious.

However, a 15:9 fast sounds relatively achievable.

Let’s look at some key components to setting up right for intermittent fasting if that is what you’re choosing.

  • You need to ensure you’re consuming enough healthy fats in your diet to avoid the sugar crash - ie focus on healthy nuts, seeds, olive oils, full cream (not skim!) Greek yoghurt, avocados etc.
  • You need to ensure you’re consuming enough protein (around 30g) at each meal again to avoid the sugar crash and to keep your metabolism firing and your blood sugars stable.
  • You need to ensure you’re avoiding sugars as again these will spike your blood sugar level causing a spike and fall in blood sugar which you’re wanting to avoid.
  • You need to ensure you’re well hydrated so that your cellular function remains optimal and your brain gets sufficient energy.


There is evidence of intermittent fasting being very helpful for a lot of people and I’m not denying that; but for my stage of life where I have a lot of energy output and young kids that require a lot of my energy; it’s not something I’m choosing at this time.

Do you fast? What’s your experience? I’d love to hear from you. 


Have you always had the empowered confidence you currently have?

This was an interesting question because I don’t necessarily think of myself as confident - I feel empowered because I’m on mission for health, wellness and beauty for our global community and I think that having a passion and being focused on that and the positive outcomes and results for our customers - that is what gives me confidence.





What to avoid before going to bed - I have trouble sleeping!

So many of us experience this. I formulated CALM/SLEEP with my team of scientists to directly address this concern. It’s our Raspberry Lemonade Magnesium SuperPowder for sleep, stress and nervous tension. Take a tsp before bed and see what happens.

Other tips are:

  • Make sure you are exercising
  • Wake up and see the sunlight to synch your circadian rhythm
  • No caffeine after 12pm
  • Read before bed - 15-20 min - with a dim light
  • At night time dim your lights in your home, you want to create a sleepy red-light environment
  • Cool bedroom, a cooler room helps sleep


Sleeping - how much do you actually get and how much do you think is needed ?

Sleep comes up a lot for us both here in the office with my team and in the Qs I get all the time. Sleep is one of the key cornerstones to wellness. This is when our brain does its clearing, our cells regenerate, our hormones regulate and it’s when our muscles rebuild in their relaxed state.

It’s called Beauty Sleep for a reason - collagen and elastin need sleep for repair to take place.

We know what happens when you haven’t had good sleep - we lose concentration, we get moody and irritable and we don’t have the energy for that get up and go that’s so necessary to keep going amid the hustle and bustle.

There are distinct sleep cycles including Deep Sleep, Light Sleep and Vivid Dreaming (REM) states. The majority of REM happens in the second half of the night sleeping cycle.

All sleep cycles are necessary for a well functioning brain, for hormonal balance, for beauty and collagen regeneration.

I aim for 8 hours a night and if I don’t get that I really feel it the next day.

Our CALM/SLEEP is specifically designed for sleep and it’s been an absolute essential for myself and thousands whom I serve.




What product should I take for period pain?

  • CALM/SLEEP is great for this and contains 100% daily dose of magnesium, helping to relax muscular tension
  • V-Oil topically helps around the vulva with any discomfort
  • Ant-inflammatory products - think of turmeric, bone broth, and the herbs ginger, cinnamon, or chamomile
  • Gentle exercise: walking and yoga - now is not the time for high intensity exercise


Can I take your products if I’m pregnant?

The entire skincare range is safe for pregnancy. The Miracle Collagen is safe for pregnancy. With the Beauty Renewal it’s recommended you get the tick from your chosen health care provider.

Fav travel destination?

Honestly, I’m happy with any travel destination! I spent a month in Sri Lanka in January and loved it!


Can V-Oil be used on the face?

Yes! The Rose Otto Damask is so nourishing for the facial tissues, and the synthesis of other oils in there are very calming and protective to the collagen on the face.


How do you navigate difficult times or challenges?

This is all the inevitable part of life. If you’re going through this I’m sending you my Love. Remember that nothing lasts forever.

Here’s what’s helpful for me:

  • Talking it over with my husband.
  • Acknowledging my feelings.
  • Telling myself its all ok.
  • Taking a break from the mental load that being a modern mother requires
  • Turning my phone off
  • Resting
  • Eating well - slow cooked and nourishing


Will you make sunscreen?

Ha! I have been asked this almost weekly for about 2 years now. It's not at the top of my list right now, but it’s definitely a product I want - Collagen Banking Sunscreen, what more could you want?

