We’re into the thick of winter so I thought I’d share the 4 things that have really worked for me this winter.
I used to get sick. All. The. Time.
Colds, coughs, tummy aches, you name it; it was a merry-go-round for me for a solid 4 months of the year.
Now I’m busier than I’ve ever been (three children; our business; running a home; cooking; cleaning; the never ending breakfast:lunch:dinner cycle) and I haven't been sick once in 3 winters.
This is my routine to get me there and keep me there.
1. Daily cold showers
Yes, it's uncomfortable, and yes it’s unusual but research shows showers resulted in a statistical reduction of illness.
“Daily cold showers. Yes, it's uncomfortable, and yes it’s unusual but research shows that daily hot-to-cold showers resulted in a statistical reduction of illness.”
My routine?
Pop on the hot shower and use our Full-Body-Gua-Sha contouring tool over the legs, thighs, butt and back of arms to stimulate the lymph which plays a big part in immune function.
I then blast the cold and stay in for at least a minute. 90 sec is best! You can do it!
Feels tough when you’re in but when you get out you feel incredible.
Try it!
2. Bioavailable wholefood Vitamin C
Vit c is a water soluble vitamin that should be taken daily for optimal use. We choose to use a bioavailable wholefood of Vit C in our range to keep the absorption and bioavailability rate high.
Synthetic Vit C can be quite damaging to the gut (ever needed to run to the toilet after taking a regular Vit C tablet or had an upset tummy?) so that’s why we stay well clear of it.
Our Protect powder has wholefood bioavailable Vit C from Camu Camu which is one of the highest amounts of Vit C and reportedly has up to 60 x more Vit C per serve than in oranges.
“Our Protect powder has wholefood bioavailable Vit C from Camu Camu which is one of the highest amounts of Vit C and reportedly has up to 60 x more Vit C per serve than in oranges.“
Protect contains around 66% of your daily dose of Vit C and 25% Zinc - which is also crucial for immunity.
3. Sleep!
Ironic that as a new Mum I’m talking about sleep - probably because I’m craving it more than ever - but sleep is so important for wellness, wellbeing, skin health, immunity, balanced moods and just about everything.
At the moment I’m waking up anywhere between 2-7 times a night to feed/put the dummy back in/rock and it’s as exhausting as it sounds!
Let’s face it, everything is better with a good night's sleep.
Good sleep health is linked to a decrease in inflammatory disorders and major depressive disorders.
“Good sleep health is linked to a decrease in inflammatory disorders and major depressive disorders.”
So, how do we get there?
Start with winding down an hour before you want to sleep. No TV, devices and distractions! Pop on a soft night light and pour into a good book.
Try meditation.
A warm chamomile and honey tea is great to have before sleep to softly wind down with.
Eat dinner at least 2 hours before you go to sleep so that you're not digesting a heavy meal just before you're in bed.
Lavender essential oil on the pillow is great to help relax the nervous system, as is a magnesium supplement (I do both).
Lastly, if you really need help drifting off, consider melatonin homeopathic drops. You can pick these up from your local health food store usually.
Winter can be super brutal on our skin.
Dying cold winds, exposure to indoor heaters, wearing lots of layers and not having the moisture in the air can all lead to skin that’s lost its bounce.
I formulated Collagen Protect, with our team of cosmetic chemists to deliver optimal hydration and collagen protection to the skin without that thick, greasy heavy feeling.
I formulated Collagen Protect, with our team of cosmetic chemists to deliver optimal hydration and collagen protection to the skin without that thick, greasy heavy feeling.
It’s packed with over 20 high-performance botanicals including a mega-dose of Golden Seaweed, our secret weapon to protect collagen and elastin in the skin, defend against environmental aggressors and saturate the skin cells in low molecular weight hydrating botanicals.
It’s packed with over 20 high-performance botanicals including a mega-dose of Golden Seaweed, our secret weapon to protect collagen and elastin in the skin, defend against environmental aggressors and saturate the skin cells in low molecular weight hydrating botanicals.
We have great clinical data to show that After Eight Weeks;
- 80% of participants saw a significant reduction in wrinkle depth
- 95% saw a significant increase in skin's elasticity
- 100% of participants had an increase of active hyaluronic enzyme activity by 125%
I use it twice daily alongside Sculpt, our 24 carat gold plated face vibrating tool to further activate the serum.
This is my at home facial and treatment all in one little 1- minute package.
This is my at home facial and treatment all in one little 1- minute package.
Another cost-you-nothing-but-important factor to be aware of is that Winter is the season of rest, of hibernation, or staying in, staying warm and rejuvenating. Don't be afraid to sleep more, to turn off the alarm, to say no to going out late at night.
Stay in; run a hot bath, put on a candle, turn on your favourite TV show (Bridgerton anyone?) and rest up. Repair and Rejuvenate.
Lastly, my bonus - if you can get your body into the sun for 20-30 min to help the Vit D levels which are important for immunity.
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This blog is based purely on the author's personal experience. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. The author is neither a medical nor health professional and cannot guarantee that the information in this blog post is accurate, reliable or complete. If you use this information, you do so at your own risk and should consult a qualified medical or health practitioner before relying on any information contained in this blog.